Swim for Charlotte


I have been wanting to share you guys a cause that is near to my heart. When younger, I was on a summer swim team. There I learned my love for the water but also I meet some of my closest friends and role models. There I met Charlotte. Charlotte was fighting At/Rt cancer which is an extremely rare and fast-growing brain or spinal cord tumor that is found in children under 3. The survival rate is 60%. Charlotte was diagnosed at age 1. She always had a smile on her face and a love for crazy, colorful caps. Charlotte sadly passed away at the age of 6 1/2. In honor of her, my summer league holds a swimathon in to raise fro At/Rt research as well as for PMC and the Jimmy Fund. PMC is the pan-mass challenge is a bikathon to rise to find a cure for cancer.  The Jimmy Fund is an organization of Boston's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, raising funds for adult and pediatric cancer care and research to improve the chances of survival for cancer patients around the world. If you can please donate to help find a cure for cancer, so no one fights the war of cancer that Charlotte tirelessly fought.
Here is some link to donate: 

Swim for Charlotte

Jimmy Fund
Pan-Mass Challenge


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